Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This was my quiz for my final. The theme was to create a poster that to us represents the New Year. I choose to go the music side of the New Year. I added the glow filter to the music notes and with the guitar there is are two guitars. The bottom guitar has a plastic filter to it and the top guitar, I lower the opacity so that it gives the effect that you can see through it. Then I added the text making the happy new year around the music notes and angle the 2011 at the bottom. I had a great time with this class and learnt a lot more on how to work Photoshop than what I already knew. Thank you

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Same thing here. I had to make a Texas Christmas poster. I painted the wreath with the paint brushes and took a image and added a filter to the cow to give it a cool effect.

Final Projects

The final project was to create a clip that had to do with Texas christmas. It was a little hard to make the boot move in one movement. But it was fun putting it together and seeing it in the final run.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This was my first attempt in making a little video clip in Photoshop. It's not that easy the first time but when  you are able to play with the motion it becomes easier each time. I had a lot of fun it with.
There we got to choose an image and use the filters in any way we wanted to make it look interesting.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


In the next three painting I did. I had to use different types paint brushes. It was a mazing how many different brushes there where which really made it hard to choose. Each one will describe a description of each painting.
Aries is one of the constellations of the zodiac, located between Pisces to the west and Taurus to the east. It's name is Latin for ram. Aries  was one of the 48 constellations described by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy, and remains one of the 88 modem constellations today.

Taurus is also on of the constellations of zodiac. The name of the constellation is from the word "taurus which is latin word for a bull. Taurus is a large and prominent constellation in the northern hemisphere's winter sky, between Aries to the west and Gemini to the east; to the north lie Perseus and Auriga, to the southest Orion, to the south Eridanus, and to the southwest Cetus.

Crater: It's name is Latin for cup, and in greek mythology it is identified with the cup of the god Apollo. It is faint, with no star brighter than third magnitude. It is also one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy and still remains the 88 modem constellations.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My attempt of Van Gogh-Cypress 
Here I had to try and redraw a Van Gogh painting using different paint brushes. Well almost go it.
On this one I use the pen tool. Tracing the shark and then filling it with color. Wasn't that hard to trace but found it a little hard to fill it in. Not like Illustrator at all
Here I am learning how to use the brush tool. We had to choose a animal and paint it using different paint brushes. Found it a little hard to draw on the computer than on paper.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Mythical Creatures

A serpent with wings. It is said to guard Frankincense trees in Arabia.
Also called: Jaculus- a snake which climbs up into trees and flings itself down on other animals that pass by. Pliny, on the Jaculus: "the javelin snake hurls itself from the branches of trees."
In Madagascar, which is known for its unique species of animals, particularly snakes, there is a snake called the fandrefiala which will fall tail first from a tree like a spear and stab animals the pass underneath according to the local
The Alkonost is a legendary bird in Slavic mythology. It has the body of a bird with the head and chest of a woman. The name Alkonost came from the name of Greek demi-goddess Alcyone transformed by gods into a kingfisher. The Alkonost reproduces by laying eggs on the sea-shore then putting them into the water. The sea is then calm for six or seven days at which point the eggs hatch, bringing a storm. For theRussian Orthodox Church Alkonost personifies God's will. She lives in paradise but goes into our world to deliver a message. Her voice is so sweet that anybody hearing it can forget everything.

Centauroid creatures, also known as centaur-like or tauric creatures, appear frequently in mythology and works of fiction. Like the centaur of Greek myth, such creatures typically possess the body of a four-legged animal with a human or human-like torso where the head should be, giving them six limbs and a double set of ribcages. An example of Centauroid creatures in classical Greece would be Ichthyocentaurs.

The griffin, griffon, or gryphon is a legendary creature with the body of a lionand the head and wings of an eagle. As the lion was traditionally considered the king of the beasts and the eagle was the king of the birds, the griffin was thought to be an especially powerful and majestic creature. Griffins are normally known for guarding treasure and well valued priceless possession. Adrienne Mayor, a classical folklorist, propounds the griffin was an ancient misconception derived from fossilized remains of the Protoceratops found in conjunction with gold mining in the Altai mountains of Scythia, in present day southeastern Kazakhstan.